CEA ARCHITECTS | Real time service

Always use the right tool for the job. We focus BIM on large-scale and technology-driven projects to maximise its usefulness for multi-disciplinary collaboration. BIM optimises the delivery of our design services, improves outcomes and better realises value for money for our clients.

At CEA Architects, we lead and manage complex multi-disciplinary BIM teams according to well-defined BIM Protocols. Our leading-edge software capabilities include cloud-based Revit™ modelling and integrated design platforms such as M-Six VEO™ and BIM 360™. Having the capability to communicate with all disciplines in real time enables us to better manage and track design development on selected projects. Drawings, schedules, and quantities are produced directly from the BIM model to ensure that design information is efficiently structured and concisely coordinated.

In addition to comprehensive end-to-end BIM we offer general BIM Management services during the construction phase to enhance quality and accelerate construction.